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Netherbeast Incorporated
- Interesting flash animated credits sequence
- Opens right into the actual movie
- Is this a call center?
- Otto called into the boss’ office
- Casual dead guy staked in the chair next to him
- You need to rewrite the Donagan Initiative proposal by Tuesday
- Mike was a vampire, FYI
- There are signs of being a vampire, duh
- Can you see the place where he had blood on his shirt?
- You wouldn’t eat spaghetti with a skateboard, would you Otto?
- “Why did he recoil in terror when I shoved a crucifix in his face?” “He was Jewish.”
- Remember, you can’t talk about murdering people in the workplace, it upsets people…
- Maybe now is a good time to quit?
- So, everyone is a vampire?
- Oh, so maybe, the boss is the only person who isn’t a vampire?
- Oh, this movie starts 44 minutes into the movie
- There might be more vampires at BurnTech
- Oh, no, Turner is a vampire as well. Cool.
- Animated vampire explanation
- We prefer “Nether folks”
- Oh, they also need to eat human flesh
- They rely on NetherStone
- So they need to remain within a mile of the NetherStone
- Standing all-hands meetings are the worst
- First lifer coming in!
- Oh, BERMTECH, ‘kay
- Somehow connected to President Garfield
- Turner has the “retardations”
- Sometimes the retardations reverse
- Casual suit of armor in the office
- Hey Judd!
- Hahah… Jason Mewes looking half-asleep/stoned!
- Otto said there are no windows, but there are clearly windows
- Emmitt has a great inverse faux hawk that looks like horns
- And Emmitt is basically dressed like Judd was in Breakfast Club
- This company is a well-oiled machine
- Turner has no idea what his name is
- That is a conversation piece
- He bought the dog especially for being mounted
- So they basically live in dorm rooms
- They are a randy lot
- Someone clubbed Emmitt
- Waxy Dan!
- After Roots, they reverted to their original names
- They hired Pearl, from the outside… who’s not netherfolk, I see the problem this creates
- Oh, so Garfield was a netherfolk
- Bell was unable to discover the bullet in Garfield
- So this is why BermTech exists
- Amos doesn’t understand “Slow and steady wins the race”, they are actually arguing this
- Blamestorming session!
- So I’m assuming everything here in the cafe is for the humans
- That’s not a dozen salad dressing
- Garlic isn’t good for netherfolk, sorta causes netherfolk to explode
- All the utensils and shakers are not silver
- You have to pinch and roll, or stretch and flick the scrotum
- Happy hour record scratch
- Pearl is hitting on Otto?
- Purveyance night
- Sunlight isn’t great
- Murder by Swiss Army knife?
- How do they play basketball in the dark?
- Waxy and the “Eye of the Jackal”
- Wait, has no one missed Emmitt all this time?
- And now the cafe lady is bonked
- Steve wants mid-day intercourse
- Now people are suspicious
- Turner tried to leave, so they sedated him
- I think this conversation about things “inherently female” is going to go badly
- Is Four Peaks Brewery important?
- Pearl has noticed that Turner talks a lot about vampires
- Pearl and Otto talking about Pearl’s previous relationship with a ventriloquist
- Woman being stalked in the cafe still
- Good night shoulder pats
- Convenience store wine
- Office coffee mishap, probably intentional
- Turner doesn’t remember Steven
- “Love those cripples! Employ the Lame and Infirm”
- Rebecca is missing too
- Bunyan has Civil War stuff in his cube
- The freezer has been sent out for service… the netherstone was in there
- Rebecca has the other key
- Everyone needs to taste the blood
- Turner is talking to a mouse
- Pours the blood on pancakes
- Attempted talk about menstruating
- Casually eating people in the kitchen
- So Otto sneaks out the back door to talk with Pearl
- Pearl knows everything now
- She still eats with a ventriloquist at the table?
- Dow is wearing a thong
- Pearl didn’t show up that day for work
- Pearl did show up
- They cleared out all the Mike Yarrow stuff
- Maybe Mike Yarrow was poisoning Turner
- Pearl is snooping around
- That must be Elton behind Dow
- Shake the drip before you zip
- “The thick plottens”
- So, Steven is behind all this!
- They take the tunnel to the other side
- So that guy was with Steven all along
- Otto gets shot in the leg
- So Steven was a heart transplant
- Oh, Steven is Watson
- The netherstone is not in the freezer
- Pearl stabs that guy with a crowbar
- Then Steven shoots Pearl through three times
- So instead, Otto just stabs Steven with the pistol
- You are not a team player!
- The doctor is not helping
- The stone is broken up and hidden in the hideous lights
- And then Turner’s heart was transplanted into Pearl
- Custom song: Life sux
- Also, People are Meat