Episode 17: Sam’s Notes

Caeser and Otto’s Deadly Xmas

  • A hangin
    • Spitting
  • Spinning pentagrams
  • Confessional
    • He’s into this girl
    • Is this a dream?
    • At war with Canada?
  • Is this guy sleeping on the floor?
    • Holiday nightmare
    • Everyone has canceled Thanksgiving day party
    • Didn’t realize the 99 cent store would be so expensive
  • Caeser’s agent calls
    • Do you want to play Santa?
  • Your arm was just reattached
    • Why is she checking his heart?
    • What’s with backyard killer Santa?
  • Guests show up
    • Dad brought the Wild Turkey and his girlfriend
    • The goth lady
    • Slap
    • I’m going to ride a motorcycle through your face
    • Say grace
    • Dear God, thumbs up. Amen.
    • She has his crush’s address
  • Man shoes up being held in a dungeon
    • Are his eyes missing?
    • Santa hacks his arms off and his like “ow!”
    • Hah… he can’t hitchhike
    • Hotwires car with his feet and drives off
  • Otto obsessing over his crush
    • Why is Otto wearing paper bags?
    • Flashback to being lame
    • Thank goodness we’ve got subtitles for whatever this girl is saying
    • Why was this girl going to walk into a brick a wall?
    • Caeser has a flashback that is the worst green screen ever
    • That’s why Caeser is afraid of Santa
  • Driving to see Allison
    • Otto jumps out of the car, but it’s cool
    • She sells used shaving cream?
    • Bobby has a toy santa?
    • Allison liked the poem?
  • Otto wants to play santa to impress Allison’s kid
    • Otto burns Ceaser’s forehead with the candy santa
    • Dumbest fight sequence
  • Xmas Enterprises
    • Jerry Gifford
    • Roberta Jenkins
    • Shawn C Phillips
    • Charle’s Darwin’s an Xmas Carol
    • Ozzy Mercer
    • The walls are papered with wrapping paper
    • Wait a second, you were in prison?
    • He’s into Jesus
    • Santa interview
    • He gets drunk real quick-like
    • Caeser does Santa
  • Post interviews
    • Caeser gets to be the elf
    • Oh, Demian is the murderous santa
    • He looks like Keith Richards’ illegitimate daughter
    • Demian rolls a body into a closet
    • Weapons of mass promotion
    • Look for children wearing cashmere sweaters
  • Worst driving scene
  • Amputated arm guy is what now?
    • He won’t dance again?
  • On the job
    • She’s a mental patient?
    • Otto sees Allison and her kids
    • Santa gives out bottled spring water?
    • Allison realizes Santa is Otto
  • Back at home
    • Demian shows up at Caeser and Otto’s
    • I guess he gets the guest room Otto never realized was there?
    • Demian steals the house key and a party guest list
  • Demian is tracking down the party guests
    • Smashes guy’s hand, girlfriend gets off
    • He’s chopping people up now
  • At home
    • I don’t know, time passes or something?
  • Allison
    • She squirts shaving cream on Otto’s face
  • Caeser tries to convince these guys to make an Xmas horror film
    • It’s the story of this movie
  • Meeting with Caeser’s agent
    • She was blacklisted for turning 40
    • Demian knows her horror movie history
    • He wants to recreate the scene with her
    • And then she’s dead
    • Only, she’s not dead, then she’s dead?
  • Caeser and Otto chatting
    • Animation?
    • Santa with a chainsaw
    • Santa with a chainsaw chopping Otto up
    • Caeser wakes up
    • Thank God it was just a dream, I’d hate to buy new sheets
    • How many nested dream sequences?
  • Dr. Pheel
    • Otto goes on his own… on a skateboard
    • Dr. Pheel likes this old guy’s thigh
    • What?!
  • Caeser leaves to confront otto
    • And hits him with a stick
    • Demian drives up on Otto and gives him a ride
    • You would kill Dan Colvin?
  • Caeser has to try on his costume
    • This is my chance to be in focus for once!
  • Boxing gym
    • Dad’s girlfriend has other guys’ phone numbers on her arm
    • Caeser and Otto stop by, Dad explains they’re being used
    • Fake mom is using Dad to get a title shot
    • Demian kills Fake Mom and her Real Husband
  • Demian and mommy figure
    • Shaving cream mug
  • Breaking news
    • Caeser finishes his script which includes every horror cliche in the book
  • Filming
    • Girl picks up the knife
    • What can we do to make this scene not suck?
    • Shakey cam keeps the film from being boring
    • Jesus freak wants there to be nudity
  • Applying makeup badly
    • Boobage
    • William Shakespeare was the founder of the first church of Satan?
    • Clown makeup
  • Back to the filming
    • Caeaser is an ass
    • Actress is taking selfies
  • Caeser on Dr. Pheel
    • Does Otto think it’s funny when Caeser slaps him around?
    • Dr. Pheel McGrab, really?
  • After the show
    • Allison fell asleep in the car
    • They both get fired all the time
    • Goth girl calls Otto asking for help
  • Demian puts a head in the fridge
    • Leaves the list and the axe and calls 911
  • Someone calls to tell Otto and Caeser to get out
    • Chased by the cops by the polizi in worst green screen chase ever
  • Otto and Caeser get pulled through the cat door by Dad
    • He’s got bandanas (from the gang members) and a rocket launcher from the bath tub
    • Neil Leeds mattress guy is undercover homicide?
    • Dad doesn’t want to talk to the police
    • C & O sneak away
    • Saved by the special brother
  • Most bored news caster
    • Evidence
    • Dr. Pheel on the show
    • Gay Bonnie and Clyde?
    • Caeser is asexual
    • Oh my God, there’s a special episode of Glee on tonight.
    • Cocoa for coocoo puffs?
  • Demian steals Allison and the brothers are powerless to stop him
    • Otto drives badly, I guess
  • Demian and Allison
    • Demian tells an origin story
    • It’s Gremlins
    • Mom died too
    • Mean nuns
    • Death metal
  • Xmas Enterprises
    • C & O find Demian and Allison
    • Bomb roulette
    • I guess Demian blew himself up
    • Silent Night Deadly Night 2 where the baby brother turns out to be the killer too?
  • Satanic ritual lead by Jesus freak
    • Is Caeser’s tshirt inside out?
    • Satan started Xmas,
    • Dumpster chapstick
    • Dad shows up with rocket launcher
    • It has water in it
    • Caeser has memories when he tries to touch the Santa suit
    • Wheels shows up
    • He goes in hacking!
    • Lots of blood
  • Talking about how it all ended
    • Allison walks in and falls for Leeds
    • Wheels falls over and can dance again
  • Pre-credits scene
    • Garbage Day!
  • Maniac cop?
  • Kill them all song
  • This guy has no hands and can’t drink
  • Maniac cop is auditioning