Episode 64: Sam’s Notes

Things to Come

  • Those are some big titles
  • This is Everytown, 1940
  • I guess people buy Christmas holly?
  • War is coming
  • A sign for the cinema you can read from miles away
  • War is coming
  • Btw, war is coming
  • And turkeys
  • War is still coming
  • What’s all this fuss? Uh… war
  • So right off, this pesky war is going to mess up medical research and this kid is taking it very personally
  • Oh yeah, I heard something about that war thing
  • Have no fear!
  • Business is up and you have a jolly wife!
  • Fuck war, we have carols to sing!
  • Nice toys now-a-days!
  • Oh, I don’t need toys to teach me how to use my hands…
  • Have you heard about this war thing?
  • War is stimulating
  • Stop exaggerating the horrors of war!
  • “If we don’t end war, war will end us”
  • But what can we do?
  • Oh look search lights and the sounds of guns…
  • But all this jolly christmas music is confusing me
  • Precautionary mobilization?
  • Battleship Dinosaur? Really?
  • We aren’t actually going to name any of the countries involved here
  • It’s all your fault Passwsorthy!
  • Has no one ever heard of a crosswalk?
  • Soldiers move in to do soldier stuff
  • These air raids are very not serious
  • Go home!
  • “Why should we surrender life to the brutes and fools.”
  • Well, off to war!
  • This drummer boy sequence…
  • We have exactly 30 gas masks for everyone in this city
  • WAR
  • Setting up the guns and chaos
  • These guns don’t have shells
  • Did someone miss the planes and hit the cinema?
  • War sucks
  • The child is dead
  • Time lapse to the destroyed city
  • Soldiers, tanks, ships
  • More advanced tanks and battlefields
  • Sweet models
  • Planes over the White Cliffs of Dover
  • Are we still looking at Everytown?
  • These don’t seem like the same planes we just saw, but whatever
  • Goose, I lost’em!
  • So, the pilot that shot this plane down, actually lands to save the guy he just shot down? I guess so we can have a talk about how war sucks. Also, they’re both English.
  • The pilot that was shot down insists on giving the mask to the little girl
  • Yup, this guy is done, I guess
  • Guy talks to himself about how he killed this girl’s family and how he’s a great comedian
  • Time passes, war is still raging
  • 1966, looks like the war is drawing to an end
  • Now, back to Everytown
  • Now, the Wandering SIckness rages unchecked across the planet
  • Zombies?
  • Does kind of seem like zombies
  • Dude, we are totally fucked
  • Hey, at least the sick people still wear pants
  • We should kill them. Kill them all!
  • This is basically the dark ages
  • You can shoot her
  • “Nothing will make anyone comfortable anymore”
  • Good god, she’s wandering!
  • And his sister is killed
  • 1970, the pestilence has ceased
  • No petrol, everything is over, civilization is dead.
  • Baby butt
  • Pre-pestilence machine
  • A whole hundred miles!
  • I thought I heard an airplane this morning
  • Rubbish, we shall never get in the air again… ever…never ever…ever
  • Parade
  • We need planes!
  • Make everybody do everything
  • Look, a plane!
  • Yes, why would he come to this dump?
  • That’s actually a pretty cool looking plane
  • Uh….
  • Dark Helmet?
  • The Chief… we call him the Boss
  • Er, Take me to your leader?
  • Why would these people know who lived in these parts 30 years ago?
  • We should talk in my laboratory
  • The Brotherhood of Efficiency
  • He comes from Wings Over the World
  • The government of common sense
  • The woman is being sensible where the man is a dollard
  • Yes, you knew he was coming…
  • War at the shale pits
  • That’s a pretty sad flag
  • I like how The Chief’s fur coat is a full length cloak now
  • Bullying is bad
  • Oh come on, this woman was not alive when schools were still running
  • Women have wild imaginations
  • Gender politics
  • The Chief is drunk
  • Planning the escape
  • The Gas of Peace!
  • Oh, they identified French
  • “Why was science ever allowed?”
  • Paratroopers loading on the plane with their bouncy balls
  • Teach us of masks
  • Those are big planes
  • Kind of reminds me of the Raiders of the Lost Ark flying wing
  • Oh, just succumb to the gas already
  • The paratroopers go in
  • The Chief is dead for reasons
  • Everyone wakes up and triumphant music!
  • Round up the brigands
  • Watching these high tech excavators working
  • Things are happening!
  • Hover platforms!
  • It’s like a giant factory for soft drinks
  • Everytown, 2036
  • That’s pretty cool, actually
  • Ok, but that sculpture is pretty terrible
  • Life is too good, we must rebel!
  • Is this sculptor the one who will lead everyone?
  • Holy shit, transparent displays!
  • Also, this guy is dressed like a wizard
  • Please explain “space gun”
  • The great John Cabal
  • Clear plastic desks are cool, but how do you masturbate underneath them?
  • Shoulders!
  • Siri, call Morris
  • You should send someone to the Moon that you don’t know
  • I firmly believe that these skirts are too short
  • A giant transparent screen for everyone to watch
  • Don’t suppress free speech
  • Science sucks!
  • Is he really demanding anarchy?
  • I beg you to shoot this from a more level angle
  • All the people hate science!
  • “There’s nothing wrong with suffering if you suffer for a purpose”
  • This dude is wearing way too much make-up
  • We should leave now before they destroy the gun!
  • Helicopter
  • This space gun looks familiar…
  • You couldn’t load the gun from the bottom?
  • Getting into the space vehicle
  • All the monitors turning on
  • The rabble arrives as the vehicle is loaded into the gun
  • So these people are just afraid of change?
  • Beware the concussion!
  • I like that the space gun has a sight on it
  • These people are all going to be vaporized
  • I like how all these advanced people grab wooden clubs
  • Later, in space
  • All the universe or nothing!
  • Fin