Episode 73: Sam’s Notes


  • England 1952
  • Guy on a bench
  • Siiiiip
  • Donald is a good man
  • Choochoo is here
  • I have no idea why I’m watching any of this
  • A call about the train!
  • What’s up with Dr. Price?
  • There’s a letter…
  • Life’s work in this journal
  • Really really really long title card
  • 300 years later
  • Phobos ore processing at Mars
  • Leaving port
  • These ship systems seem very analog
  • Lots of dials and switches
  • Getting personal with all the questions in the cockpit
  • Don’t reach for that circuit board!
  • Someone is being deactivated
  • So the computer is killing people or robots or something?
  • So it’s this older guy’s last run, he wanted to be a biologist
  • Meryl is asking Rupert what its purpose is
  • Meryl remembers before the ship
  • Rupert was a stowaway
  • Some sort of critical failure in the ship
  • Harry is an arse
  • Puts on the special helmet and goes to sleep or something?
  • He’s at the beach?
  • He’s watching who I can only assume is his dead wife
  • Darkness
  • Meryl killed Paula?
  • I guess the ship isn’t responding to hails
  • And jellyfish
  • Meryl narrates the history of mankind or something
  • Talking to the sun gods gave us the technology we needed for something
  • Humanity spreads out through the solar system
  • And we got weapons
  • Someone is watching humanity
  • Meryl says they’re carrying powerful cargo
  • Meryl asks what death is
  • Meryl doesn’t understand death
  • Communications failure
  • Rupert thinks Finch has cut the radio
  • This ship is just going from Mars to Earth, why all the nebulae?
  • Rupert is still trying to get into the restricted section
  • There’s a fusion device in the hold, and Rupert has the key
  • Meryl doesn’t want to go to Earth, doesn’t want to be deactivated
  • Meryl let’s Rupert into the core room
  • Rupert isn’t doing much checking for errors
  • Meryl decompresses the core room with Rupert inside
  • Meryl tries to extort the location of the key from Rupert
  • This movie desperately wants to be 2001
  • Meryl recommends redirecting to Somnus
  • Harry tries to find out where Finch was, tension
  • Harry wakes up from another nightmare, then puts the mask back on
  • Rupert’s badge has a location written on the back, location of the key maybe?
  • I think he found the key
  • Are they really going to leave the body out for 7 weeks?
  • I guess they’ve arrived at Somnus
  • Docked
  • This place appears to be like a forest on Earth
  • Finch is running around on the station, barfing and such, and there’s something scary chasing him
  • But Harry is wearing his helmet again, so he doesn’t hear
  • Crazy forest lady talking to herself while sawing wood
  • Correction, she’s sawing a person, doesn’t look like Finch, though
  • And this critter bites people
  • Crazy girl implies everyone else is dead
  • Stewart wakes up, lady bashes his head in
  • Strange creepy lab
  • Finch is in here with the medical droid
  • And there’s a guy looking at notes
  • This guy is using this book like a map of destiny
  • The device on the ship is for stellar fusion
  • I guess Finch is dead
  • Or not, Finch punches the droid out
  • Finch shoots the girl before she shoots Harry
  • They try to make it back together
  • Now Finch is dead?
  • Meryl gives us exposition to explain that all human life on Earth is gone because aliens
  • Harry keeps asking “Why do you want to cheat our fate?”
  • Harry opens the core room
  • Is Paula in here?
  • I don’t know what’s happening
  • So Meryl is a head?
  • Harry activates the fusion device and goes to put his happy hat on
  • Harry wakes up on the beach with his happy hat
  • The end?