Episode 114: Sam’s Notes

Einstein’s God Model

  • So, we’re getting cross dimensional
  • It’s Craig Leeham from Hanham University
  • You should also spit your gum out
  • Nausea from answering a phone?
  • Ketamine?
  • We’re just going to pipe in the THX theme
  • Is it his sister?
  • Why six seconds?
  • Sorry Craig
  • Relativity Chairman: A. Einstein… okay, these are just jokes now…
  • The funeral of Craig?
  • Girl has a gunshot wound
  • This surgeon was at the funeral
  • She saw the other side
  • Yo, Lucey, mind if I rub one out?
  • Ketamine is known to induce near death experiences, which none of the other doctors knew about
  • His girlfriend is the grave rubber?
  • We’re here to get Abbey drunk
  • Making life!
  • Abbey is soooo talented
  • Meanwhile, at a funeral…
  • Abbey is having issues
  • Brayden wants to propose
  • This night just got shitty
  • Okay, Abbey’s funeral? That would check out…
  • Brayden’s dad was the surgeon that got Abbey?
  • Abbey makes a run for it! Gone Girl?
  • I guess now we know they’re in Illinois?
  • She’s just wandering home through the streets of Chicago?
  • Stop blaming ourselves, accept life how it comes
  • Maybe don’t stand right in the street?
  • Wait, really?
  • Is this guy a surgeon?
  • He shows her the ring and she sees sparklies around Brayden’s head
  • Don’t go to the light!
  • Of course it’s snowing
  • At least he knows CPR
  • So, now we got to rub her gravestone?
  • Brayden is in it
  • So I guess Brayden is the anesthetist
  • Uh, partner answering machine greetings…
  • Just random Ketamine syringes laying on the floor
  • Googling “near death experience”
  • I must speak to Meiselhoff!
  • Watching Meiselhoff’s lessons from Hamden
  • Vibrating super-strings, baby!
  • Lots of attempts on this God Model project
  • True Science is a show (none of that bullshit science stuff)
  • So the theory here, is that close to death, people can see the sub-atomic world
  • So this machine tricks the brain into thinking it’s dying
  • Okay, but I don’t understand what the endgame is here, Brayden. You can’t bring Abbey back, so is this just for a chance to talk with her?
  • I’m not sure Margaret knows what coffee is
  • She also doesn’t know what anesthetist is
  • She is POUNDING those drinks
  • Margaret is smart when she’s drunk
  • So she just gives him the machine?
  • He sets up in the old Skylark for reasons?
  • How does he know how to assemble it?
  • How does Brayden know physics?
  • And this is Meiselhoff trying to talk to someone?
  • That is some old school tech
  • But we’re going to plug it in anyway!
  • Just like that you’re going to start it up?
  • Worst FaceTime experience ever!
  • Oh, Meiselhoff was at the Skylark, Brayden was at home, I guess?
  • Haha! Fancy device for opening a door
  • Alright, that’s not the doctor, he’s too young
  • This is Mastenbrook
  • Ah, the pen-clicking guy in Meiselhoff’s experiment
  • A race to define the rules of the universe before the end of the century
  • “You can add to the chain, but you can’t change the links”
  • Alright, we get it, you shit yourself
  • This machine makes your eyes pop like grapes
  • I like this dog best
  • Is this science LITERALLY pushing the envelope? Can’t we just, blow on it?
  • M-Theory (for membrane)
  • We’re the jam in this example?
  • I want bread
  • He made the connection between electromagnetic fields and gravity
  • Louis can bring them back? Into what?
  • Craig Leeham is now a Christ lover
  • Craig isn’t good at this maybe?
  • So Craig is channeling people?
  • I bet Craig can’t do that for two hours
  • Craig drinks a lot
  • Craig knows a lot about the people on this project
  • It is an electric ouija board
  • What is the God Model?
  • This is outside the God Model!
  • Also, you put a hole in my floor
  • Life isn’t lost, it’s relocated
  • Your sister found the gun the same day you brought it home?
  • Broke the bottle of chloroform?
  • Why do we have to do this if Craig can just conjure someone up?
  • The secret is, the dead are still here
  • What, now we’re flatliners?
  • So Louis killed Carl?
  • There’s a mold in the wax, let’s find out what it is
  • It’s a mold of Abbey’s hand wearing the ring with the actual ring
  • It’s Schroedinger’s Box
  • These places like Heaven and Hell exist because we expect it to
  • Just injecting you with milk…
  • Why is it always six seconds?
  • We vaporized Brayden
  • So they swapped Brayden for Carl?
  • Ghost dog
  • “Flipping membranes” sounds dirty
  • Why does everyone think Craig has the answers?
  • Brayden can’t get out of the closet
  • Craig tries to bridge the membranes I guess?
  • Brayden finds Abbey, Craig finds Jenny
  • So Jenny is rubbing Abbey’s gravestone
  • Louis has seen the different universes, and it cost him his eye