Episode 12: Sam’s Notes

Black Death

  • Starting in 1348
  • Plague and stuff
  • God hates us
  • Let’s scapegoat the witches and demons
  • Oh look, it’s Eddie the monk, Osmund
  • This body has bloody lymph nodes
  • Osmund checks his lymph nodes and calls for Brother Thomas
  • Looks like Eddie is in quarantine
  • Get your bindle of food
  • Bring out your dead…
  • So, monk has a girlfriend
  • Ah, the food was for her
  • Osmund tells her to leave and hide in the forest
  • That’s right, Osmund the monk has betrayed god by having a girlfriend
  • Not here, people can see…
  • Averill gives Osmund an ultimatum, she’ll be at the cross for one week, and then gone
  • He’s asking for a sign as the riders approach
  • Ulrich comes to say there is a village not affected by the plague
  • Ulrich wants a guide into the great marsh, Osmund volunteers
  • Osmund leaves with Ulrich and one of the guys in the party
  • The dead are lined up in the fields for burial or burning
  • Why poke the ground for ants?
  • Ulrich brings them back to the rest of the group who are sharpening weapons
  • Clearly there are things going on here, these men expect to find a necromancer
  • Are you cool with journeying into hell? Says Sean Bean…
  • *CRASH*
  • Look at our torture/murder devices, of course we’re doing god’s work
  • The party members are described
  • Cut to a witch being attacked
  • Ulrich cuts her off and then slits her throat because…?
  • Are we trying to teach Osmund a lesson?
  • Nothing like a good pig shagging
  • The party keeps inviting each other to leave
  • Ah the French
  • The longbow was invented!
  • Introduce the stiletto for quick painless kills
  • So, because of this massacre, that brought the plague on?
  • Ulrich killed the woman to spare her suffering, even though she was not a witch
  • Something approaches…
  • A warning that where they go, men have become savages
  • A warning from the torturer that he can smell the lies on Osmund
  • Party comes across a burned village
  • Griff starts coughing up blood
  • His nodes are swollen, they’ll kill him for sure
  • Ulrich orders his death
  • At least they buried him
  • Hunting and necromancers and demons serves men, more than god
  • Osmund wakes early in the morning, everyone else appears asleep still
  • He goes for a jog
  • And comes to the cross looking for Averill
  • He runs to her horse and finds the cloak with blood on it
  • Armed men on the ridge
  • There are men in the forest, horns
  • They move forward, cautiously
  • And the fighting begins
  • Now are these the savages or just assholes?
  • The party seems to be making quick work of these guys, it’s bloody
  • Osmund is stabbed
  • So that didn’t go great
  • Because of you, one of my men are dead… I think it was the bad men who killed him.
  • Still going to the marsh
  • So we’re going to walk through the marsh and drag the necromancer back to the cage, yeah, that seems reasonable
  • Osmund is still holding his wound, no one is dealing with that
  • There are clearly people in this village, quiet, though
  • They get to the town square and…
  • All the people have come out to greet them!
  • This looks like the big man now
  • This guy is Hob
  • Seems like they’ll get on just fine
  • Hob nods to someone in a hut making something salve like
  • Osmund is seeing Averill in the water… but just seeing things
  • Osmund goes with the beautiful woman who was making something in the hut, herbalist?
  • The herbalist is Melisandre from GoT!
  • She does not seem to like the crucifix
  • The pain is going away already
  • Langiva’s husband was killed by men of god, she clearly has an issue
  • The church hasn’t been used in a long time
  • Hob is being mysterious
  • The girl was wearing the same amulet that Ulrich has
  • They’re hanging out in a feast hall
  • Langiva makes a speech thankful that they haven’t suffered the pestilence
  • These people do not like Ulrich’s prayers
  • These are not god’s people
  • Women outnumber men here
  • Ulrich keeps warning everyone about evil in this place
  • Langiva draws Osmund outside
  • Langiva shows Osmund to Averill, who is dead… might she rise again?
  • Osmund goes to the church to tell god he’s angry
  • Someone is outside
  • Oh look, it’s Averill, and she’s pissed
  • He’s just seeing things
  • Ulrich explains his wife and child are dead and gives Osmund a knife
  • The party members are all getting attention from the womanfolk
  • Osmund asks when she will be buried, Langiva tells him she’ll take care of everything and that he’ll see her again
  • I’m not sure Osmund should trust this woman
  • Has their drink been spiked?
  • A ritual is being performed
  • So… Langiva is undead
  • And she is raising Averill, it seems
  • Of course, everyone else is going to be drugged now
  • The party is captured
  • Osmund finds the previous party strung up
  • Now our party is being held in a pit
  • The villagers have brought in the cage
  • Langiva gives a speech about the evils of Christians
  • The pestilence is a Christian disease
  • The torturer is the first to be pulled out, he sings as he’s strung up
  • And they slice him open
  • One offers to renounce
  • Oh  yeah, this guy is going to die
  • And they hang him
  • Osmund is taken from the pit and slowly walks to the barn where Averill is
  • Maybe she’ll attack him all zombie like?
  • She doesn’t even notice him
  • She’s just playing with knives
  • Osmund isn’t happy that Averill is really human anymore, and he ends her. Again.
  • But at least he has some knives now, right?
  • And they go to split Ulrich
  • Ulrich brings plague to the village
  • And they tear him apart as the other party members escape
  • Langiva walks off into the marsh, Osmund follows
  • Hob is loaded into the cage
  • So Langiva declares Averill wasn’t dead, she just drugged her so she could put the show on for the villagers
  • But Averill at least had brain damage, right?
  • Osmund is returned back to the Abbey
  • Now, narration to explain that Osmund turned evil, went on his own crusade for the witch, but really just murdered lots of women