Episode 132: Sam’s Notes

Matango (Attack of the Mushroom People)

  • Meanwhile, in this fake city
  • I do think you’re insane
  • Meanwhile, on this boat where they’re playing big band music
  • Tokyo is horrible!
  • I lost 20 years of work on that manuscript!
  • Meanwhile, on this green-screened boat…
  • This lady is going to be sick
  • No one actually wears a captain’s outfit like that
  • I don’t feel sick, I AM sick
  • Are they all wearing these medallions?
  • Playing the uke
  • Alright, so now there’s uke music, but no one is playing?
  • This is how Gilligan’s Island starts…
  • Pretty girl is pretty
  • She is Mami
  • This is the story of the Aho Mori and its fateful journey…
  • Kampai!
  • We’re different from the general run of people
  • I’m the skipper, hahaha
  • Meanwhile, on this green-screened boat…
  • This weather looks bad, we should turn back
  • Confidence is very important!
  • The women will be just fine surrounded by all these horny chauvinists
  • Look, clouds!
  • Yes, the best place for everyone in a storm is on deck, except for the women
  • This boat cost $40k
  • We should turn back because this lady is sick, not because of the outrageous storm
  • I know we’re in the middle of a life-threatening storm, but can we talk about the psychology of women right now?
  • How dare you comfort that woman when we’re making the boat not sink!
  • Radio breaks
  • Water splashes on that woman
  • Meanwhile, on this model of a boat
  • The mast breaks
  • The radio is smashed, the mast is broken, the engine is busted, but we should be cool
  • This buffoon caught in the ropes
  • Should someone be on the rudder or…?
  • Later, after the storm passes…
  • I told you we wouldn’t sink!
  • It’s strange that we’re all dry, isn’t it?
  • I’m pretty sure no one is searching for you guys
  • Are we drifting? Yeah, probably, since no one has been on the rudder all night.
  • Where are we now? In the water.
  • You had to play skipper!
  • The good news is, we have books and terrible music, and a stuffed monkey
  • The news is so slow, the biggest story on the radio is that this boat is missing
  • The battery in the radio lasted exactly 32 seconds
  • Something coming out of the mist
  • It’s probably fine if you just tell the giant boat to look out
  • Luckily, this guy was hallucinating
  • Your head feels funny because you’re smoking the funny cigarettes
  • Shut up with your stupid lady laughing!
  • Women are bad luck on boats because men lose their heads…
  • Island ho!
  • I’m pretty sure that’s not Japan, idiot
  • Hey, for fun, why don’t we all crawl around in the sand on this beach… for fun…
  • I’m just going to touch all these plants as I walk so they know I’m friendly
  • Did you know maraschino cherries grow on bushes? *man hisses like a cat*
  • We’re going… that way!
  • You hear water?
  • Sweet sweet water…
  • Someone arranged those rocks! But let’s keep drinking this sweet sweet water
  • Should we go back? Nah, let’s follow this trail
  • We should cross the island because maybe houses
  • Are we going up there? The answer is yes. Always yes.
  • Shipwreck!
  • Sliding awkwardly down this mountain of dirt
  • Running on the beach for no reason at all
  • We all knew it was a wreck, Captain Obvious
  • We’re going onboard, aren’t we…
  • What a disgusting sight…
  • Investigating the wreck
  • That fall on the stairs desperately needed a slide whistle or wa-wa trombone
  • It’s fungus!
  • It’s weird. We are all in agreement on that, captain
  • It’s thick with fungus!
  • No food, surprising no one
  • This was a research ship?
  • The mold here is a different color, which means…
  • A turtle with no eyes, obviously the cause of mutation from radiation
  • Chemical stop the growth of the fungus…we should probably note that for later
  • We could scrub the cabin with chemicals and live here
  • A giant mushroom in a box
  • Note, “Matango” on the mushroom box
  • All the mirrors were removed, probably because they lost all their combs
  • The captain’s cabin is….bathed in red light!
  • I don’t know what’s happening in the captain’s cabin, but I’m going in!
  • That guy in the hold eating SPAM
  • I guess rationing isn’t a thing
  • This seems…weird
  • The country of origin is concealed, and the equipment is from all over
  • Polishing a rifle
  • This rifle will come in handle for shooting things
  • Log book says the island is deserted and has no food
  • Do not touch the mushrooms!
  • Mushrooms affect the nervous system
  • No one who left looking for food returned
  • Maybe they disappeared because of the mushrooms that are everywhere, except we never found any on the way to this wreck
  • “A house on land” is a house
  • Women fetch the water, men hunt
  • Seeing things in the flames…
  • Meanwhile, singing in a club
  • “I hire people to think for me, and then I take their thoughts.”
  • Yeah, novelists do steal ideas too…
  • The medallion ceremony is a big deal, now you’re part of our cult
  • Cancer stick?
  • I think I found the broken mirrors! Dun dun dunnnn
  • Seagull, kill the sky-rat!
  • Other ships wrecked on the island
  • Scenes of women struggling to carry heavy water jugs
  • A gentleman, helping with the water jugs
  • Mushrooms!
  • Walking mushroom!
  • Shoot first
  • Yes, we just imagined the giant walking penis… that’s the better of the possibilities
  • Bunking in the old wreck, I guess…
  • This guy always puts on his sunglasses when he gets sneaky
  • Just in case someone shines a flashlight in his face?
  • Something creeping around on the boat
  • The women set up a trap
  • The women walking around wearing sheets
  • Stealing food
  • Attacked by the mushroom person
  • Yell louder so they can’t hear us!
  • Mmmm… squishy
  • Hideous…ghost?
  • At least they haven’t lost their appetites
  • It’s the women causing this madness!
  • Bringing a knife to a gun fight
  • “I used you to get to Europe, you’ve always been repulsive to me”
  • Footprints in the sand
  • Inspirational speech
  • The women are doing a lot of work
  • Looking in the sand for food
  • Ah, turtle eggs
  • Playing with chemicals
  • Drinking chemicals
  • The author is going after whatever got on the ship last night
  • Sunglasses guy finds more eggs
  • Author goes hunting
  • The women, working hard
  • The man is like, “whatevs”
  • “You pretended to my friend, but you always treated me like a dog!”
  • The author comes back and everyone knows he ate the mushrooms
  • Buying eggs
  • Sunglasses will happily kill everybody to get off the island
  • The author starts making out with the singer
  • She’s so happy everyone wants her
  • The author ate mushrooms, now he’s mad
  • Blah blah blah I’m nuts
  • Wrestle the gun away
  • Later, trying to repair the yacht
  • That guy suggests to the skipper that they go off on their own
  • Society breaks down
  • Crazy author gets out with the help of Mami, takes Akiko, then shoots Sunglasses
  • Wasting more ammo
  • Money, strewn around the body of Sunglasses
  • In the mushroom garden, mushrooms are growing fast
  • Mami is back on the ship
  • Now you finally know what it means to ask for help from a woman
  • Mushrooms are laughing
  • Nom nom mushrooms
  • Hallucinating dancing girls
  • Still seeing dancing girls…
  • Laughing everywhere!
  • Popup mushroom people!
  • He gives up
  • Stop crying, woman
  • Story of the castaways and how they all died, though they haven’t died yet
  • Just cross that out…
  • I found these fingers…
  • Finger potatoes, that is…
  • Can we eat the mushrooms now?
  • This is a horribly awkward confession of love while she talks about suicide
  • Shooting first, again
  • Thankfully, this gun has infinite ammunition
  • The mushroom people are breaking in everywhere
  • Is this your arm?
  • Sneak attack!
  • Laundry attack!
  • Kidnap the female!
  • Sneak attack! Struggle…shove
  • Stupid fairies!
  • Surrounded by penises!
  • Tetsuo! Keneda!
  • These mushrooms are delicious!
  • He grabs her anyway…
  • This rifle is still shootings
  • Groped by all the penises
  • And now you know what it’s like!
  • He escapes and goes out to the yacht
  • Might as well sail away now
  • Back at this wacky city
  • He’s behind bars like a zoo animal with doctors looking in on him
  • Crash zoom!
  • Oh, he did eat the mushrooms
  • Stupid Tokyo!