Episode 29: Sam’s Notes

Cyborg 2: Glass Shadow

  • Crawl to explain everything
  • Of course prostitutes
  • Money is bad, folks
  • Future Beware, subtle much?
  • Models are cool
  • Looks like Bladerunner mated with a Mars base
  • Terrible looking HUD
  • So… Terminator
  • Danger, laser beam (eyes)
  • Because skin is really just goop
  • Hey Van Damme
  • Cyborg porn
  • Worst dinner party
  • “Right on time with one-zero-niner, alright, she’s a go” (05:56)
  • “What a waste…”
  • “Cyborg stew”
  • Oh, Glass Shadow is the name of the cyborg bomb
  • Infinite possibilities of Glass Shadow… I’m pretty sure the only possibility is that it goes boom
  • Sparring
  • I am not buying your fake hits
  • The eye on that giant CRT is following me… No, really, literally following me
  • Ok, but this music is terrible
  • PS, kill the human
  • EYE! “Can’t take my eye off you” (11:29) Well, that was dirty
  • I feel… explodey…
  • Jack Palance is everywhere
  • MOUTH!
  • Colt 45! Hah!
  • I see you know Latin
  • What does that… so creepy!
  • Cockroach in a box
  • So, sexy time with a cyborg is bad
  • Wah! TVs should not jump out!
  • Alright, Jack Palance blowing bubbles is only creepier
  • Later, in lab 9
  • Enter the vault
  • She doesn’t look so exploded
  • Well, now Mercy is just giving everything away
  • THIEF, get him!
  • Obviously, Japanese cyborg operative
  • When fight choreography was not as awesome
  • When you want the elevator to come NOW, just break stuff
  • You taste delicious
  • That schematic makes zero sense
  • “I just shut my smell sensors off”
  • Japanese cyborg starts killing soldiers
  • Really deep underground and suddenly they’re out by riding the trash
  • She’s been activated!
  • Why did he snap?
  • Ah, he’s working with the Japanese operative
  • Oh man… this guy…
  • Stop playing with your face!
  • Crazy cars
  • And now they kiss
  • That guy with the shotgun and leather jacket reminds me of Arnold
  • Stop playing with your face!
  • Is this lady supposed to be a fortune teller?
  • And then they attack her? No idea…
  • He sure got the drop on Colt
  • Danny looks like a damned vampire in that get-up
  • Was this doorman who looked like Arnold the same guy as the captain in Kull? Nope, he was the king.
  • Chen snares Cash
  • That’s not how physics works
  • Danny brings Colt to the outdoor living room
  • Danny does drugs and darts Colt with the third eye
  • Miss Chen has Cash’s head off and I guess is reprogramming her
  • Detonation games
  • Gee, I think Danny wanted Colt to get away
  • I wonder what the message is with the evolution busts
  • Cash and Colt meet back up
  • Like, don’t reveal the dinosaur skeletons
  • Lessons in humanity
  • Makeouts
  • Of course Danny found them
  • And Chen
  • And Danny gets kind of shot
  • Penis envy?
  • Shocking
  • Mercy’s agent is a dog
  • The soul is in the software, which sounds a lot like Ghost in the Shell
  • How does a dog get up and down the sewer ladder?
  • Nevermind
  • They arrive at the shipyard
  • Clocks
  • “The difference between champ and chump is u”
  • Sexy times and that is not a body double
  • Get everyone loaded into these hotel shuttles!
  • Why does Bobby Lin have fangs?
  • Colt gets ready for the fight
  • Danny is messed up and I guess he’s fighting Colt?
  • The goons show up
  • I am shocked that Danny would cheat
  • I think there should have been more blood?
  • Slow motion death
  • Cue the pyrotechnics!
  • “You want to dine with the devil, you’ll need a long spoon!” (1:30:39)
  • No one can hit Mercy
  • Mercy is captured
  • Someone explain how Mercy had the Glass Shadow in him?
  • Nice model that just has flames in the chute
  • I guess the submarine took them all the way to the desert
  • I’m so happy to be planting this palm tree with you!
  • Love blah blah blah…