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- Cool wireframe effect
- Eaten by the barrel of a gun!
- Slater on the ones and twos…
- Needs more cowbell
- Oh, I got the package…
- An mp3 player… who has these anymore?
- This gas is pretty great
- So she was filling on the other side of the car than the pump?
- Strange old abandoned house… and weed
- Blindfolds are sexy
- When did she set all this stuff up?
- Is this present or memory?
- Polaroid selfies
- How did she get so many jars and candles and get them there and not burn everything down?
- Obviously kidnappers
- It’s not exactly a secure door, they could break it down
- Alright, so they really want Nadia
- It’s the future and they have installed payphones everywhere
- Kind of a recorded message… awful lot of effort went into making that message weird
- Was he sent back to the house specifically to pick info off the downed intruder?
- Who is Nadia…
- Obviously this isn’t Nadia
- Meanwhile, in the Brand New U offices….
- Apparently, changing yourself never works?
- So is Slater the one they really want and Nadia was just taken to coerce him?
- Apparently not
- Slater gets profiled
- Is he being coerced into giving certain answers?
- Transparent screens suck
- So the company owns the new life somehow?
- Cool effect going from the inside to the outside of the building
- Uh oh… something from his old life
- He works at a… power plant? And has the same name?
- People sitting around, snorting drugs… back in my day we just played video games…
- Is that what passes for fun?
- Did you just lick my neck?
- Wait, did someone give me a different attraction profile?
- That’s a lot of stairs
- Why would they put Nadia in the same facility?
- Slater and Nadia spend the evening talking
- Slater is clearly still being surveilled
- And now Slater is being beaten
- So New U’s preferred method of convincing is blunt force trauma?
- Is he okay?
- He really just wanted to take his shirt off in front of her
- What is putting water on bruises supposed to accomplish?
- And there’s kissing now
- So now they’re hanging out together? Doing sterile Christmas?
- The photo with Slater scratched out
- Now the photo is cut up?
- I like how the Christmas lights look like a wireframe
- There’s a better life waiting for us, somebody else, somewhere else
- The Santas!
- For this conversation, we’re just going to drive around real fast in a parking garage
- I don’t get what happened in that conversation
- Life space adjustment
- Why put him in a new lifespace with binoculars aimed into the window of the person he should be avoiding?
- Support guy shows up
- Oh, is that Santa?
- Are they going to make him shoot the Nadia across the way?
- Just gunna hold this gun here forever
- So he goes over to where Nadia is, she’s not tied up, other Slater isn’t there, they fuck…
- No one dies
- Now he’s over there with the gun drawn
- Pattycake?
- Didn’t other Slater say we had to do this?
- He has the edge with…a straight razor?
- Did his eyes just glow red?
- Alright, he shot him… now what?