Episode 65: Sam’s Notes


  • Comes up the stairs, something is wrong
  • Dude dead on the ground
  • Jump back
  • Well, for one thing, that’s not how mirrors work
  • She thinks someone has been following her since the concert
  • She can’t find her cell phone and is paranoid about the closet
  • Definitely think you’re a wackjob
  • Fistbumps are for dorks
  • Wait until you guys see this girl
  • She’s going to fix him
  • That’s what girls say when no one would be lucky to have you
  • Megan jumps at the mirror
  • Anyone else freaked out by parking garages?
  • Alright, I kind of like this band
  • Escape to the restroom
  • She sees blood on her face
  • Sex in the bathroom
  • So why is David staring at Megan?
  • And David is talking to the lead vocal lady as she’s wrapping up
  • And oh yeah, she’s lesbian
  • Alright, these people are calling me out on all my dating shit
  • Parking garages man
  • But I do hate parking garage elevators
  • Why the raced?
  • Now, on level B4…
  • Where’s your car?
  • Calm down, no one’s dying
  • Aaron doesn’t like that Megan would be just fine without him
  • David climbs the stairs
  • And now he’s somehow at B4 again
  • Megan is on the floor by herself and the elevator opens
  • David and Aaron comes out on the same floor
  • Screaming
  • This guy says she killed David already
  • This guy is really aggressive
  • Why is this guy attacking everyone and stabbing
  • And then Paul stabs himself
  • Aaron is dead
  • Wait, David had the knife? And Paul knew he had the knife?
  • Why does Cheryl suddenly know stuff?
  • Elevator opens again
  • Meanwhile, back at street level…
  • And Megan sees the three of them walking into the garage
  • Megan staggers around the street and people don’t notice her
  • She goes home and finds Aaron and Megan together
  • Ah, so Megan can feel herself watching her
  • Water doesn’t work for her
  • Ah, so Megan is seeing her future self all around
  • And then she notices Paul and Cheryl and… oh yeah, they were the ones fucking in the stall
  • But this time, Megan takes the elevator
  • But this is 5B and the signs say B4… that’s odd to me
  • But they do find the car and drive off
  • She goes upstairs and finds David’s body
  • And then scary Aaron is there
  • And Aaron starts strangling her
  • Killing Megan is the only way out?
  • This feels like some Donnie Darko shit
  • But Paul has no trouble killing Megan
  • Megan escapes and runs into a different Aaron and David
  • David kicks Paul’s ass
  • It seems like this David is a different David
  • A healed cut
  • M theory? String theory? When did he have time to study these things
  • The garage is a bubble in the multiverse
  • Bubble universe lacks mass?
  • There’s a bubble in-between?
  • Aaron is a brutal asshole
  • But she’s going to trust him anyway
  • Is this some other Cheryl
  • Which universe do you want to live in?
  • So now they’re going to try to escape the bubble by doing what they did all over again
  • David is all… fuck this
  • And gets stabbed
  • Paul is fucking everything up
  • I don’t know how this is supposed to work, things are all different
  • And pop! They’re back
  • And Paul is trapped
  • David, making with the guesses
  • So their other selves may still be trapped in a bubble, but at least these selves make it out
  • Thanks David!
  • She doesn’t see insignificances, she sees possibilities