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Invaders from Mars
- That Cannon logo reminds me of the OCP logo in RoboCop
- The title is coming right at me!
- And so are the credits!
- Opening music sounds very sci-fi militaristic
- Mars is pretty close
- Mom missed all the smart assing
- But seriously, cool toy spaceship
- This kid does not stay under the covers!
- What I’ve learned from this kid’s room, he likes space stuff
- Dad puts this ’58 penny in the kid’s jacket pocket, I wonder if the penny is from the same year as the original movie?
- Now it’s really raining out
- But outside, he sees a ship coming in for a landing
- Which somehow hides itself, unseen, behind a small hill
- Well, the kid presents a compelling argument
- Yeah, you know, ball lightning, that phenomenon that is incredibly rare
- Adults never listen!
- Is mom planning to cheat on a test or interview or something?
- Dad is acting weird
- He obviously went outside
- He knows to put glasses on
- And there’s a mark on the back of his neck
- Are those saccharin tablets?
- I guess he likes coffee and tic tacs?
- It’s cool, I can find the bus stop on my own
- Suddenly, I really really want to get to school
- Frog tossing
- Counting solves all problems
- Time for you to see the nurse
- Is he really uncontrollable?
- David gets home and the front door is open
- I like the Star Wars Rancor right inside the front door
- Wow, Lifeforce is on TV and this kid seems uninterested
- Mom scares the shit out of David
- Mom calls the police
- These nice policemen will have a look over the hill
- The guys from the base stumble into the scene
- Oh, and that’s Dad
- Dad works at NASA?
- The police are acting weird
- Neck stuff on the police too
- Dad tries to talk mom into going over the hill
- Dad goes into David’s room at 12:30 at night to steal… a big bowl of pennies
- Do they eat copper?
- David is cradling something to him, something precious
- And Dad takes mom over the hill and David knows she’s gone
- Yup, mom is weird
- That is some super crispy bacon
- Raw ground beef and all the salt
- They haven’t quite worked out how hugging works
- Later
- David hangs out inside the jungle gym
- Something important is happening at midnight
- Has the field trip been redirected to the hill?
- David spies on the teacher in her office
- She has a patch on her neck
- And she’s eating a frog
- The nurse stands up for David
- David is exasperated
- At least the nurse hasn’t been infected yet
- Nurse Linda laughs at David’s story
- Now the nurse believes him
- Nurse helps David escape
- Note, David has what I think is a slingshot in his pocket
- This penguin eats litter
- I’ll just, hide in this conveniently open van full of curiosities
- And of course it’s Mrs. McKeltch’s van
- Taxidermy is scary
- David follows the teacher into a sort of round shaped cave
- Looks like a giant ant colony
- Thank goodness that door stayed open so long
- Those are some wacky aliens
- Krang?
- She likes vowels
- And they know David is in there
- This place is not well defended and these aliens, not actually that threatening
- No, not here! We’ll hide two steps this way!
- Linda doesn’t understand words?
- The tunnel opening is gone
- I guess we have to go to the hill slash quarry?
- NASA is here!
- Looking for pennies?
- And down they go
- The whole class is going to the sand pits
- How do you make that call not sound crazy?
- No one is watching this kid getting kidnapped
- “I’ll get you for this David Gardner!”
- There’s one place we can hide while we call the FBI
- David grabs his jacket… don’t forget the penny!
- We’re hiding at school, is that a good idea?
- That girl’s Dad must be messing with the phone lines
- And the police happen to show up
- David knows a place to hide in the school
- Hiding in the boiler room
- Linda fucked up!
- David tells Linda it’s okay to be afraid
- Wow, David is getting awful grabby with the nurse
- Something is going to happen to expose a weak point
- Or, the ground weirdly opens up because of alien digging machine
- Nurse Linda is completely fine abandoning the whole town
- They go to the base to talk with the General hoping they can get better car insurance
- You can tell those are the guys that got sucked into the sand because they’re wearing orange
- They’re loading copper wire onto the truck
- Meanwhile, mom and dad show up at the base
- The bomb is wired. The detonator is set.
- “You outta hurry. Or you just might blow it.” 57:10
- David explains stealth technology
- The general is going to check out these two guys that got sucked under the sand
- They pull guns, but are subdued
- And they get dead
- And the screws come out
- David talks with these NASA guys about photos from Mars
- This oxygen truck is wired to blow
- Freeze the countdown
- Of course, these guys are going to blow the rocket up
- I like that they have a wireframe of the truck driving out to the launchpad
- And they show the wireframe exploding
- Copper wire was stolen
- “Marines have no qualms about killing Martians!”
- Marines break into the school
- Marines go into the school’s boiler room because of the tunnel there
- Marines get into the hole
- David wants to talk with them, General doesn’t have time for that shit
- One soldier tumbles into the sand and gets sucked down
- This is what PacMan actually looks like
- The NASA guy tries to stop them from opening fire
- NASA guy presents the screw
- He’s dead
- David has thoughts, and runs into the sand, chased by nurse Linda
- The female soldier asks the general about the woman and the child
- This was a terrible plan
- Alright, not a terrible plan
- David and Linda are alright, but this soldier is about to have a screw put in his neck
- Or they could do something?
- Nevermind
- NASA scientist decides they’re smelting copper, that’s important, right?
- Seriously lady, shut up!
- “I’ll fix you! You dick brain!”
- Somehow, the teacher gets eaten by a PacMan
- And the other PacMan can’t stop laughing
- Rinaldi fights back
- This alien gun takes ammo that looks like a ruler
- But seriously, they are really big targets that move very slowly
- This soldier… “I wasn’t trained for this.”
- Soldiers start firing at Krang, but there’s a shield that starts electrifying the soldiers
- Krang retreats
- Uhm, that rocket launcher is foam
- We have five minutes to get out
- Krang returns!
- The digger
- Just duck, it’ll be fine
- Maybe we can use the alien gun to blast out!
- If only we had a penny
- “Great Scott! Has anyone got a penny?”
- Haha… it’s a coin slot operated ray gun
- Mom and Dad are calling David to them
- No one is going to help David get out?
- The ship tries to take off as the timer ticks down
- Oh, they’re fine now, it’s cool
- And the ship blows up
- And David wakes up from the most traumatic nightmare ever
- Wait, is there something happening over the hill?
- Fuuuuuuuuuuck everything